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Coming May 1 2024!

Do you have a book in your heart?


coursehelps you get published!

New York Times Bestselling writer Margot Starbuck equips writers to craft winning nonfiction book proposals in the Book Proposal Blueprint Course. 

Margot teaches you what a publisher needs to see and then equips you to deliver it.


Each course module includes exercises to complete after each module. When a writer completes the exercises and assignments in the workbook, he or she will have completed a draft of their book proposal!


Build a nonfiction book proposal that will dazzle publishers!


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Not sure if

you're ready

for the course?


Margot has created this workbook that walks writers through a series of exercises to create a winning nonfiction book proposal. When you've completed the workbook, you've completed the first draft of your proposal!


(If you want coaching on every section of the proposal, check out Margot's 


Reading through the eyes of a publisher, with a heart for the reader, Margot reviews your nonfiction book proposal and lets you know what is strong and what can be improved, offering practical strategies to execute suggested changes.​​​


​*The writer who will benefit from this service is preparing a book proposal to submit to a literary agent or a publishing house.

Book Proposal Review

Book Manuscript Review

Margot offers a developmental edit of your nonfiction book. Her review includes:​

  • Detailed notes throughout the manuscript.

  • Document of notes offering big-picture feedback on the manuscript:

  • What is working well in the manuscript

  • What can be strengthened

  • What ought to be avoided.

  • Practical strategies to execute suggested changes


​*The writer who will benefit from this service is the writer who is self-publishing, or it’s the writer working with a publishing house who wants to invest his or her own dollars to offer the publisher the strongest manuscript possible.


Margot travels to an author, or meets virtually, to identify the book's target reader, understand the reader's need, and identify the author's fresh solution to meet that need. Together we brainstorm content, outline the book, and create a chapter map to guide the writer when he or she sits  down to write chapters.


*The writer who benefit from this service is one of two writers:

1. She is an author who is planning to invest time, money, and energy into self-publishing and wants to create the best possible book.

2. She  has secured a robust contract with a traditional publisher and wants to strategize so that when she sits down to write, there is a “map” to guide her.

Discovery Day


Clients Rave...

“The bottom line is my book would not be in this world without Margot's mind, intellectual capacity, and ability to execute. Not only is she a legend when it comes to creative ideation but she also has strengths in deadline creation, organization, and an ability to cultivate for many different types of authors. That’s rare!” 

Toni Collier, author of Brave Enough to be Broken

"I was literally terrified before we met. I’d gone to bed convinced I couldn’t deliver what I’d committed to and woke up with my heart pounding. But when we got together, you helped me to lay out all the content and break it down in a way that made sense. I was inspired to start writing after that with a concrete plan  - now I feel so much better. I didn’t know you could help me as much as you did!”​


Vaneetha Risner, author of Walking Through Fire



"This is from the publisher, 'Our editorial team has looked over your proposal, and we are all agreed that this is an excellent fit for us.' It's all because of you, Margot! You were instrumental in helping me craft a winning proposal and your guidance was invaluable. I am forever grateful!!!!


Dr. Froswa Booker-Drew, author

"My book, How to Preach Life-Changing Sermons, will be published with Kregel Academic. A few times in the process I wanted to quit and just self-publish my book. However, your constant encouragement pushed me to finish revising my proposal. Margot, my dream came true because of you."


Dr. Jesse L. Nelson, author of Preaching Life-Changing Sermons

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